Register (Spring 2022) Student Name (required) Birthday (required) Class to Enroll (required) KARATE: 5-7yrs (Sunday 13:30-14:30)KARATE: 8-12yrs (Sunday 14:30-15:30) Allergies / Health Concerns (required) Parent/ Guardian Name: (required) Email Address (required) Home Address Phone Number (required) Emergency Contact Name (other than parent, required) Emergency Contact Phone Number (required) Relation to Student (required) I give my permission for my child to be included in photography / videos of this program and for his/her image and likeness to be used on any of our Social Media platforms including our website, Facebook and Instagram as well as in advertising, press releases and any other electronic or print media promoting BAM Studio. YesNo Spring 2022 (Apr 23 - Jun 11, 2022) One Time Payment- $225 Interac eTransfer to: PLEASE WRITE THE NAME OF THE STUDENT IN THE INTERAC ETRANSFER MESSAGE so we can confirm your registration payment